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Why Eleven Minutes?
(Marly F.)

Why eleven minutes? according to author and the book, that Maria tells to the life of the prostitute, suggests that a program, taking off drink, a dance, the passage until the hotel, and the time to take off the clothes, lasts eleven minutes. The author very knew well tomix a story of so common life nowadays, with romance and erotismo. A innocent young woman is deceived and ledoutside of her country.Alone, without having to who to appeal, is obliged to prostituir itself. Maria still obtains time to read, by the way, if she became probably a connoisseur in administration of farms.She would like to learn to give one to its to her family.Maria also obtained good friendships as the librarian, with who divided some experiences. Between fancies, programs andpains because of customers, Maria still love.Um pure and innocent heart that although everything, never left of have a deep sigh for a great and truelove.

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