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The Count Of Monte Cristo
(Alexandre Dumas)

The Count of Monte Cristo is a classic story by Alexandre Dumas about a young man who is imprisoned erroneously, but deliberately, and his brilliant strategy to take vengeance on those who have betrayed him.Navy Officer Edmond Dantes is accused of a crime against the state. Taken for a supporter of Bonapart, he is accused of having brought a message to Napoleon, who was at the time exiled on the Isle of Elba. Sentenced, he is jailed in a castle on the Isle of If, close to Marseille. There he spends fifteen years incarcerated with only the company of the abott Faria, a mysterious character who practices magic. Before dying, the aged Faria reveals the existence of a fabulous treasure hidden in the caves of the Islet of Monte Cristo. Dantes hides himself in the body bag intended for Faria and is thrown into the ocean. He manages to free himself and get to the surface, where he is rescued by a boat that takes him to the Islet of Monte Cristo. He finds the treasure, which is seventy million francs, and returns to society with the mysterious title of Count. He unleashes terrible vengeance on his enemies and ends up in the East in the company of his bride, who he met during all of this.

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- The Count Of Monte Cristo

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