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Power Of Positive Thinking
(norman vincent peale)

The above book centred on FAITH POWER, I had experienced it. I feel every person if he wants to be successful
he shoud possess god given powerof faith. With faith POWER we can cross over any hurdles in life. Its is foundation of life.
Faith is accepted by sciology and religion. it is very difficult to defeat a peson who possess high degree of faith.
Power of faith is acclaimed in all religion. Faith can creates many miracles in life. It is attitude of mind. It is seat
for positive thinking. person who possess faith he can link to universal power.Faith is must for success. The peson
who possess faith he remains highly successful in any direction. He empowers others too. It is prerequisite for every thing.

Peale has written this book in very practical manner and it can helpfulto all. Faith puts us on right track. Faith is
treamdous driving force behind us. In bible said, if you have faith nothing is impossible to you. It is real power of
man. Because of faitthpower we achive all things and successful. If peson do not have faith in himself he travel
to road of failure. Because of faith power our other powers are released and we becomes strong and steadfast.
Faith always creates brighter sides. It kills all negatives. If anybody hasfear of any kind, he can take help of faith.
fear is most powerful among all negative aspect of human life, but when it come accross faith it vanishes. Fear
cannot stand againt faith. Faith is mighty, so pwerson is might. So we should develop always faith and lead to happy life.
If we face any problem take it to faith it solves.

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