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Sense And Sensibility
(Jane Austen)

One of Jane Austen's all time popular classics. Not many people know that this is Jane Auten's debut novel which was published in the year 1811 and though it is not considered as one of her best works,nevertheless it has its significance even in contemporary world.

The story revolves around two eldest Dashwood sisters, Elinor and Marianne one of whom (Elinor) is practical and knows how be restrained while the other one (Marianne) gives herself completely to whatever task she takes up.The storytakes a new turn when Mrs. Dashwood along with her three daughters are sent to a smallcottage in Devonshire, practicallyimpoverished after the death of their father and the machination of their sister-in-law.Both the characters are honestand intelligent though having different approaches to life.Like most of Jane's novels love and marriage does not come easily here too though each of the sisters find suitors who too have different personalities.Elinor falls in love with Edward who is awkward and shy, while Marianne is in love with thedashing hunter Willoughby.

The classic is an insight into Jane Austen's great literary work and is remarkable for its simplicity of the plot.The book is a delightful experience and would recommend this novel for all the readers.

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