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Biology Of Belief
(Bruce Lipton, Ph.D.)

Dr. Bruce Lipton is a cellular biologist who has come to the conclusion that spirit controls the activity of cells, and therefore all living matter. HE explains how he he developed his theory with painstaking research, which he explains in an easily readable text replete with analogies. Far from being a dry scientific thesis, the book is personal as well as scientific and spiritual. The most interesting part is when he has a Eureka moment in the middle of the night, realizing excitedly that
he has proven that the activity of living cells depends on what comes from outside. He compares a cell to a computer chip with gates and channels, taking in outside programming. In a burst of enthusiasm, he realizes that mind controls all matter. There is a down side, however; because the subconcious mind has already programmed cells for automatic behaviour. To change this, cells must be re-programmed, and Dr. Lipton calls on his colleague Rob Williamson, developer of PSYCH-K, to help with this. The book is extremely convincing.

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