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(Jose Saramago)

It all begins when the light turns red in a very crowded street of a very big city. When one of the drivers opens his eyes, he can no longer see.All the horns of the cars behind him start to sound furiously. There is absolutely nothing he can do, though. He has jus got blind.None of the cars notices that the man is desperately calling for help. One single man offers to help him and takes the blind man home. When leaving the blind man?s house, the gentle helper decides to steal the blind man?s car. The man tries to stop him, but he is powerless.Completely desolated about having to face the terrible situation of getting blind and being robbed on the same day, the blind man has to find a way solve his problem.So, he goes to the doctor. While waiting to enter, the blind man shares the waiting room with some very peculiar people: a young cross sighted boy and his mother, an old man with a black cloth covering one of his eyes, a young woman wearing sun glasses, and two more people. When the blind man gets to see the doctor, he asks the doctor for a cure. The doctor check carefully his eyes, he even asks the man for a few exams, but he says that it doesn?t seem to be anything wrong with the man?s eyes.Then the blind man says that what he found the odd the most was that his blindness was white. All that he saw one big white sea, as if he was trapped inside a glass of milk. Finding this all very strange, the doctor asks the blind man to go home and come back in a few days.Then we go back to the gentle man who robbed the poor blind man. He was carefully taking the car home, when he suddenly started to feel a little sick.He tries to catch a breath, but he can?t do it even with his windows opened. So he parks the car in a desert corner. 30 steps further, he is completely blind.In the next days, all of those who had had any contact with the blind man became blind. And then people who had been in touch with these blind people also became blind. It was soon one gigantic epidemic.All people who were blind were taken to one place, which was meant to be a quarantine area. The place was an asylum, actually. In this place, people were grouped by rooms, in which there were several beds.Among the people sent in the first group were the first blind man, his wife, the man that stole his car, the doctor, all the patients that wore in the waiting room, and the doctor?s wife.The doctor?s wife was the only person who was not blind. She had lied to the authorities because she wanted to go with her husband, in case he needed her.Those people try to live as they can, but day-by-day, lots of new groups of blind people arrive at the asylum. Little by little, the situation becomes critical. They have feed with what is sent to them by the authorities, and as time goes by, more people get blind. So each day, there are more people and less food.To keep the blind people from getting out and maybe spreading the epidemic around, guards are set on the fences and they have permission to shoot anyone who comes too close.Therefore, the inside of the asylum becomes a real fight for survival. The situation reaches its limit when an armed group of recently blinded people steals the food. Their main demand is for women from other rooms.After a long time arguing, the women agree to go. But they have a plan. The doctor?s wife has scissors that she brought form her house. So she wants to put an end to this terrible situation.So, while all the men are raping the women, she injures the leader of the group very bad. While trying to escape from the man?s wrath, she finds his gun, and ends up killing him.Then, she is forced to admit to all the blind people that she could see. By doing this, she becomes some kind of guide and slave to this group.But they don?t spend much more time at the asylum; the guards that were keeping them from escaping had also gotten blind.They try to find food walking around the city, but all they find are more blind people, destruction and chaos. They justkeep walking, when they finally find a safe spot, a store, where they do find food, but everything is spoiled and rotten. They are so hungry they eat anyway. They spend a few more days in this place, and while they are there, the doctor?s wife tries to find people who are not blind. She doesn?t find anyone. After a long time living like this, they suddenly can see again. Everybody, in everywhere, they all get their sights back. It goes just like it came. They realize, then, that while they where blind, it was not only their eyes that had gone. They had lost one much more important thing: ?one thing that doesn?t have a name, that thing is what we are.?

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