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The Phantom Stallion #1 The Wild One
(Terri Farley)


The Phantom Stallion series is about the relationship between a girl and her wild yet domesticated stallion. Two years after her near-fatal horse riding accident which brought a hoof to her head, Sam returns to River Bend Ranch in Nevada from her Aunt Sue?s San Francisco apartment. She still hopes for sign of Blackie, the then-two-year-old horse that she had raised as a colt that ran away when she fell off. What she discovers instead though, surprises her. The night she comes back, she awakes to hear sounds outside. She sneaks out of the farm house and goes to the river to find the same dapple gray stallion she had saw leading a wild horse herd from helicopters and trucks that were trying to herd them in, waiting for her. She soon realized, it was Blackie, all grown up, coming back for her. Sam soon found out that the only thing standing between her and her horse is the new guy in the area, Lincoln Slocum, who?d do anything to get his hands on the legendary ?Phantom Stallion?, even hurting innocent girls like Sam while trying.
On the cattle drive Sam saw the Phantom several times, one of those times was him leading Sam and her new cattle pony Ace to his secret horse getaway where his herd grazed. Sam ended up falling asleep and on the way back the next morning, Lincoln Slocum almost found the getaway while looking for her. A couple nights after Lincoln spotted the stallion looking for Sam and chased after him day and night, eventually coming back unsuccessful. 268 Sam and the Phantom?s relationship continues to grow until one day he gets caught by the BLM and when Mr. Slocum isn?t aloud to adopt him it?s up to Sam what to do with him. She comes to a decision to let him go and her and Ace pony him away back to the wild where the Phantom then promises to return. The Phantom Stallion series are for horse lovers everywhere and I really enjoyed them.

Resumos Relacionados

- Spirit: Stallion Of The Cimarron

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