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Alice In The Country Of The Wonders (alice No País Das Maravilhas)
(Lewis Carrol)

The tram of Lewis Carrol creates chaotic ficcional universe that goes being known in highest speed narrative. Nothing real, thing some of realities. The reader does not leave to establish knowledge and emotional relations in the meeting with the text. The not thought is the challenge to be successful.
the Country of the Wonders disconnect language of usual context and invites doubt of the world.
Work of art, does not only deal with nonsense of childhood.
Carroll finishes disclosing where if it seats its country:
Ah, I had a so quaint dream! - Alice says.
The author makes of the adventures meeting. Each episode keeps diverse levels of apprehension. The narrative convokes the capacity to rearrange the signals. The meeting of Alice lead to think the proper language in way that if becomes first language redefining the proper limits of the world.
Infancy, game and language are the essential landmarks of the poetical world of Carroll.
No sufficient in itself so that if it understands the world.
Alice is not pure game with the significant ones.
In the fifth chapter, Advice of a Lizard, deep philosophy appears as ingenuous infantile dialogue.
?Who is you?.
Is dispatches by post the proper existence in question.
As many transformations suffered and at least unusual meeting in the burrow from the rabbit, far from the family, of the school, the activities and next social circles, the reply could be missed, because it requires of Alice to retake the proper essence. Colossal task before the circunstances of the Country of the Wonders.
The unquitness if installs; Carrol questions the existence before the identity.
Doubt before the Verb.
The lizard will be butterfly. Mirror of the metamorphosis.
Alice don?t understand the reason of not being able to identify itself.
- Good. Perhaps, who knows its diferente way to feel either? assays Alice still in the attempt to justify itself.
- You! Who is you? Sad the Lizard.- I think you would have to say me first who is you.
- what?
The new question disconcerts, collates without to show itself.
Carrol disarticulates the instituted world. It retakes answers socially accepted, emptied of signals and it gives another place to them. Only the first look, a new to look at, to the wonderful.
Supported in the study A desconstrução of illusions, de Milena Shimizu.

Resumos Relacionados

- Alice Dans Le Pays Des Merveilles

- Alice?s Adventures In Wonderland (1865

- Alice No País Das Maravilhas

- Alice No País Das Maravilhas

- Alice In Wonderland

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