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Henri Wallon: Uma Concepção Dialética Do Desenvolvimento Infantil
(Izabel Galvã,o)

This small book, of author Izabel Galvão, in such a way introduces the reader in the including and dynamic theory French dialectic of the infantile development developed by psychologist Henri Wallon, being its reading of basic importance for studious of the human psiquismo how much toward that they are come back to practical the educative one, rank that the walloniana theory is capable to conceive to the educators diverse subsidies for new pedagogical reflections, exciting the adoption of an educational action that take care of the necessities of the child in the plans affective, cognitivo and engine and that it promotes its development in all these levels. A pedagogia inspired by the walloniana psicogenética does not consider the intellectual development as the maximum and exclusive goal of the education, of form that the sincretismo gives place to the categorial thought, not benefiting so only intelligence, but the person as a whole. Wallon understands as the idea of a personality inconceivable that if isolated of the society, being thus, salient form that the education must obligatorily integrate, to its practises and its objectives, as much the social dimension how much the individual one. The walloniana theory identifies to the interdependence between intellectual development and knowledge, inhaling a pedagogia where the education contents have an important paper. Another factor that receives great importance in the walloniana theory is the way, therefore this is understood as the field on which the child applies the behaviors of that she makes use, at the same time, that of it she removes the resources for its action. Wallon considers that with the development the possibilities of access of the child to the some dimensions of the way are extended, each stage it development defines a type of relation with its environment, what it implies to say that to each age the way of the child is different. In practical terms, this means that the planning of the activities does not have only to be restricted to the election of its subjects, that is, of the education content, but it needs to reach the some dimensions that compose the way, including a reflection concerning the space where the activity will be carried through, deciding on aspects as the busy area, the used materials, the objects placed to the reach of the children, the disposal of the furniture, in order to propitiate chances of social interactions, therefore, in accordance with Wallon, the pertaining to school environment making possible a different social experience of the familiar group, plays important role in the formation of the personality of the child and how much greater a diversity of groups of that to participate, more numerous they will be the parameters of social relations, what it tends to enrich its personalidade.Cabe, finally, to say that the reading of this small book not only supplies to information and very excellent explanations concerning the characteristics of the activity of the child in the some phases of its development - when and as this development if it gives -, but also looks for to demonstrate - in way well more sucinta, is truth - the politicosocial dimensions of the education, more good acquiring knowledge the reader of that between the regimen politician of definitive society and the educational system in effective the relation it is not mere causalidade, in way that, exactly that not either noticed explicitamente, the education always has a paper politician, since regimes politicians invariavelmente draw out its objectives to the education. TO KNOW MORE In The Shvoong: Proposals of Wallon for the study of the human psiquismo - Category: Humanities In The Bookstore: Galvão, Izabel. Henri Wallon: A Conception Dialectic of the Infantile Development, Petrópolis, RIO DE JANEIRO: Voices, 1995.

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