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Beyond Good And Evil
(Friedrich Nietzsche)

Beyond Good and Evil, Prelude to a Philosophy of the Future (Jenseits von Gut und Böse. Vorspiel einer Philosophie der Zukunft, 1886) is Nietzsche?s attempt to re-evaluate the true aims of philosophy and its practicioners- namely intuition, spontaneity, self-empowerment, originality (in the literal sense of the word) and most importantly, the "creation and re-evaluation of values". This search was in reaction to the miasma and pomp of what Nietzsche saw as rusty contemporary European philosophy.

BG&E also took aim at some of the world?s foreost thinkers and their ideas, such as Søren Kierkegaard and his bipolar ?either/or? doctrine, as well as Emmanuel Kant and his idea of the categorical imperative. Nietzsche?s alternative to such ideas was to postulate a perspective of life that was above the piddling definitions of good and evil- an alternative that both struck at the heart of Christian morality and raised questions regarding the entrenchment of morality regarding what is still considered abhorrent behavior (exploitation, dominion over the weak, appropriation of resources for and by the strong at the expense of the less fortunate, etc.)

Nietzsche?s central idea in BG&E (which was demonstrated in character form by the titular charcter in Thus Spoke Zarathustra) was ?the will to power?, the idea that all living things seek to dominate all they can by all inner means- a concept that suggests a world of intrgiue, pain, lies, deciet, etc. Nietzsche does not abandon morality as useful tool for human life; rather he suggest a dynamic system based on the vitality and position of the individual. A vigiourous, violent, and succsessful warlord would have far more moral leeway than a sick old man; his will to dominate would make him appropriate to wage war and to lead and thus grants him a sort of clemency from the annoyances of the more ?binding? mores that we associate with the western Judeao-Christian morality. The will to power is the turbine of BG&E; it powers Nietzsche?s re-evaluation of philosophy and conviently justifies it- Nietzsche wanted to rearranged the cosmos of philosophy at the time, and he was strong enough to do so.

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- Beyond Good And Evil

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