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Prova De Amor
(Homem apaixonado)

Love prove: Many years ago, an old couple, without any children, lived in a humble wooden house. They had a peace abd joyfull life, in which they loved each other so much, and were happy. One day the old woman had an accident. She was working at home when the kitchen got fire and her body was burned. Her husband woke up scared with the screaming and started looking for her. He saw her under fire and while trying to help her his arms got fire too but he was able to put it down. When the firemen came there was no longer a fire, just smoke and part of the house was destroyed. They took the couple quickly to the nearby hospital, where thy stood in critical conditions. After some time, the Man less caught by the fire goes to see his beloved in UTI. Still in bed, the old lady was all burned down and didn't want to survive for being deformed, and so was her face. As he got into her room she asked if he was alright. He said he was but that unfortunately the fire got him blind. He promised her that her beauty would be kept safe in his heart forever. Sad for her husband she replies that God saw his unfortunate fate and saved him from seeing her deformity. The flmes burned her face and she is looking like a monster. Some time passed by, they were recovered, came back home and she made everything her husband wanted and he told her everyday how much he loved her. And so they lived 20 more years till one day she passed away. In her funeral when everybody was saying goodbye, the old man came without his glasses but with his walking stick. He came close to the coffin, kissed her face and said that she was really a beautiful woman and that he loved her so. Hearing and seeing it a friend of his asked him if it was a miracle amd looking in his wyes the old man said that he was never blind but faking. When he saw her wife lying on her bed with her face burned down he understood that life would be too hard for her to live in this way. They were 20 happy and passionate years for them both.
This was for me one of the best love proves that has ever existed, after Jesus. I invite you to read it once again, now that you know he was not blind.

Resumos Relacionados

- Blindness

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