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En Ausencia De Blanca (in The Absence Of Blanca)
(Antonio Muñoz Molina)

Mario, a young civil servant in the provinces, lives dedicated to his
work, and to his wife, Blanca, who forever complains to him that he
does not care about the way she dresses or the changes in the
decorations she makes. His life is a steady routine; but what is not a
routine for him is Blanca, for whom he feels a profound fascination.
Together they form a complementary couple: he personifies simplicity,
the security of the hearth, fortitude; she, on the other hand,
represents the exquisite side of life, although this is also paired
with the cruel contrast of instability.
For this reason Mario lives a worried life, always alert. He feels
something slightly worrying threatens their marriage. Something that
perhaps relates to Blanca's dark past. He even goes so far as to think
that this Blanca who is in his house is not his Blanca, that she does
under this or that circumstance that which would not have been the
decision of his Blanca or there again perhaps it would. It is a story
of addicted and absent lovers.
Blanca's relationship with the painter Naranjo makes him feel the more
fragile with the thought that Naranjo could leave him without his

Resumos Relacionados

- En Ausencia De Blanca

- Blanca Nieves

- La Doma De La Furia

- La Doma De La Furia

- Los Tres Pequeños Cerdos Compran La Casa Blanca

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