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The Fisica Education Takes Care Of Of The Body And Mind
(Joao Paulo Subira Medina)

That physical education is this that takes care of of the body and mind? much if has argued of the paper of Educação Física (EF) and its concepts. It has a difficulty in explaining what really it is the EF, therefore nor the proper one if it has justified. After all, when we speak in EF we think soon about bodies only sarados, sweated and made use to thresh, this has happened therefore the number of people that has searched this course is ascending and great part of these people searchs a body perfect. To if coming across with true and the current one felt of the EF if they frustam or even though they despertam for true the sensible one of the same one. From the moment where to start to understand the EF, when this to pass for a crisis, yes this will have its value for the society there, including mainly the pertaining to school society, where the mentally ill professors if exclude and if they are ahead silent of the decisive meetings of the school for nao to know to think and to make Inter-relations with the too much professors. This because nor he himself it knows true the meaning of the EF, are manipulated and manipulating, if they arrest old questões.Onde is to such crisis? who will be mediating (), capable to together bring with the crisis the tranformação. Exists really this hypothesis? or it will be an utopia? old questions and new answers, we go in adentrar them in this so special field and unmasking the mysteries and ways to cover so that let us can reach a EF that in transforms them and that it searchs incessantly this transformation of the human being, compromised with the biopsicosociofilosófico aspect, therefore involves all these aspects, however, that more is not known as source of people saradas, incapable to so little think, and nor for a fragmentadora conception, but that she is recognized for its value in developing the human being in its totality, therefore the man is an incomplete being, endowed with its lacks, mysteries, contradictions, at last, is a being without covering. E is in this condition human being who the EF exerts influence with the objective of a aperfeiçoadora transformation, in the direction to give conditions so that the individual if becomes citizen of this tranformação. This will make with that the speech of the EF professional if becomes in truily transforming actions.

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