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Redeeming Love
(Francine Rivers)

Redeeming Love is a story inspired by the book of Hosea found in
the Holy Bible. Set in California in the year 1850, the story is about
a young girl, Sarah, who was rejected by her father and left alone by
her beloved mother. At a tender age, Sarah is sold to a brothel. There
she is raised and used as a prostitute. The loving little girl that
Sarah was is transformed into an angry young woman, Angel, embittered
by a life of constant hurt and betrayal. With every man that enters her
room, Angel feeds the hate and bitterness until it threatens to destroy
her. Every desperate attempt to change her life is met with utter
failure. Despondency sets in and Angel gives up. With nothing to hope
for, she is defeated.
In obedience to the voice of God, Michael Hosea takes Angel as
his wife. He promises to love her till the day he dies. In his
dedication, he demonstrates to her the love of Christ his Savior. With
tenderness unlike any Angel has ever known Michael begins to break
through the walls of her hardened heart. With the help of the Altman
family, he tries to show her that there is still some good in the
world. But Angel, branded to the core with a tainted background, feels
that although there might still be some good in the world, there is
none in her. She doesn't know love like his. The only thing Angel knows
of love is that it never lasts. Michael continues to try to persuade
her otherwise, always encouraging and loving her, despite her
resistance. He treats her like no other man ever has. But in response
to the alien sensations Michael arouses in her, and in a desperate
effort to escape that which she does not understand, Angel flees.
In her flight, however, Angel is yet again confronted with the
unconditional love of Christ. Will she come to a saving knowledge of
what freedom Christ's love brings?

Resumos Relacionados

- Redeeming Love (um Amor Que Nos Rachète) (redeeming Love (un Amour Qui Nous Rachète))

- Abou Ben Adhem

- My Angel(song)

- The Black Angel

- From The Mixed-up Files Of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweller

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