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Does money make you happy? The name of Cresus is synonym of great wealth, and one of the rare antique names that everybody knows nowadays. The history of this king who reigned on one part of minor Asia six centuries before Christ is one of the destinies the most important known: lost by his crazy passion for gold, Cresus starts a war which he will win and he is lost. But who was Cresus? We know he was an outstanding genius in the monetary field and he invented the fractionned money and metal money. Why, rich in millions, does he go to war against his nephew Cyrus, a young king of Perses and Medes? Who is the beautiful Rachel, expert in tables sets and erotism, who leads him in this adventure which is desastrous? Whereas the son of the king who cannot talk, il will recover in dramatic circumstances. But may be was he pretending not to be able to talk? The history of Cresus brings up a question which is still current: the history of the relationships between happiness and money. The richest man in the world is he by the way the most happy? This is the question which is raised through this novel which is very lively, same as the noble tradition series of war.

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