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Bell Jar
(Sylvia Plath)

Any person that has ever enjoyed Plath?s poetry will find this a most extensive and satisfying read. My impression, as I read this book, was that of a long, with drawn extension to one of her more passionate poems. Semi-biographical, this is told through the character of Esther, who is existentially Sylvia.

This book is a beautiful insight into a mind unlike any others, and an intense insight into the dark path that tempted and drew Sylvia to her tragic demise. This book serves merely as a glance into the complexity of the human mind and is inarguably addictive as when the book finishes quite abruptly, you will want more, more, more?

But people that want to see what happens after the book can simply read the history of Plath for themselves. This novel is simply a section of these facts, a section of her life, repeated, but it offers us readers something so much more valuable: it enables us to understand?.

Brilliant written with the same excellent skill shown in her poetry, this is the only book Plath ever wrote; this is a tragedy in itself.Write your abstract here.

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- The Unabridged Journals Of Sylvia Plath

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- The Bell Jar

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