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High Fidelity
(Nick Hornby)

Rob is a man trapped in his own loop of mistakes and short comings. His girlfriend, Laura, dumps him, the record store he owns is doing badly, and his only two friends are the musical moron twins (Dick and Barry). In comes the mid-life crisis.

The first thing Rob does in his search for meaning (because you couldn't see it coming), is go back into the past and find out why his all time top five break-ups (in chronological order) happened in the first place.

Alison Ashworth. The first break-up. In grade school, Rob's relationship with Allison lasted for three days. They would sit on the bench after school and make out. Which, at that age, coulnd't technically be called a relationship of any sort. It was more or less finding out about yourself and coming of age. On the fourth night, however, Rob finds Allison making out with another boy, Kevin Banister. Later, when Rob tries to contact his ex's to find out what went wrong, we find that Allison ended up marrying Kevin Banister. So, it had nothing to do with Rob himself. It was fate.

Penny Hardwick. This was in high school. They dated, thye made out, but that's as far as Rob ever got. Eventually, he dumped her. She went out with another guy and gave it up to him. Rob later finds out that it was because she was to sad to fight the other guy off. She was crazy about Rob. And, turthfully, he dumped her. That's another one he didn't have to worry about.

Charlie Nicholson. College. Rob thought this girl was the kind of girl he wanted to meet since he was old enough to want to meet girls. They dated for two years and he never got comfortable. So, she dumped him for a guy in one of her classes. When Rob returns to her to catch up, he finds out that she doens't care about what other people say, talks shit, and really isn't a very great person at all.

Sarah Kendrew. After Charlie, Rob met this girl. She had recently been dumped and so had he. So, they pulled their collective sorrows together to form a relationship. She dumped when she met someone else.

And, of course, Laura. The most recent. They met when he was a DJ. She was a legal assistant. They made friends and started dating. Laura moved in with him. And then she dumped him.

Despite going into the past, Rob doesn't figure out much except that most of the break ups really had nothing to do with him at all. It was just fate playing a cruel joke on him. But the mid-life crisis continues when Laura moves in with an old neighbor. It moves on when Rob finds out that Laura slept with this old neighbor. Rob, of course, tries to put away the grief by having a one night stand along the way. He comes up with excuses for life being the way it is to mask the real truth. And then Laura's dad dies. And they get back together because she's to worn out to not be with him.

So, Rob is happy for a moment. He decides to start a record label and release a demo. Laura steps in and makes it a big deal. He figures out that he has commitment issues. Always with one foot out the door. Jumping from rock to rock. And, finally, he runs out of rocks.

Rob decides that it's time to stop holding out for the next best thing and just be happy with what he has. Which, is Laura. And a failing record store. And a records label to start up.

The story ends much as any story ends. A big demo release party for the first band on Rob's record label, all the characters dancing and having a good time, and Rob realizing that life is meant to be lived. And mix tapes.

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- High Fidelity

- High Fidelity

- High Fidelity

- High Fidelity

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