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Edge Of Danger

Awarded an honorary doctorate by the Leeds Metropolitan University in 1995, Jack Higgins novel 'Edge of Danger' is one of a list of more than 30. It was praised effusively by the Press; the Sunday Express and even by the Financial Times in England, and by The New York Daily Times. It was lauded by Tom Clancy, one of Jack's worthy competitors in the genre.Yet again, it is a story in which, as usual, imagination and creativity are based on conscientious research and coupled to page-turning interest and mounting excitement. Never a dull moment!

A favourite character, Sean Dillon, well known and appreciated in several other novels as a reformed insurgent now a British Government secret enforcer, once again copes with overt and secret foes and the betrayal of supposed friends, sometimes by the skin of his teeth as he literally flirts on and skirts round the very Edge Of Danger, both obvious and hidden. He is ever ready with a possible alternative if his original plan seems to be in danger.

Untold wealth and political power are arrayed against him as the action ranges across oceans and continents, Britain, Arabia and the United States of America, in the air, on and under the seas and oceans, as on roads and in sand dunes. Despite learning from frequent examples of what might happen to him, by the betrayals and the deaths; often sudden but sometimes after terrible torture; of those of some of the friends on his side or the enemies of his internationally powerful enemies, he thwarts the intended far-reaching consequences of their plans, even when he seems to have less than a 50/50 chance of survival.

It is guaranteed that if you take this book to bed with you, you won't fall asleep over it. Remember to set your alarm clock before you stop reading at the last page!

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