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The Zoo Story
(Edward Albee)

The Zoo Story is a play in one scene written in 1958. We are introduced to only two characters, Peter who is 40-ish and Jerry who is slightly younger than Peter. They are complete strangers who happen to meet near a park bench in a remote section of the park. Theirs is a simple story that relates to feeling connected in their society. Peter, comfortable with himself and in his life, sits absorbed with a book taking a break from his family, job and responsibilities. While Jerry wanders from his home to the zoo to the park seeking to discover where and how he fits into the society that Peter has found such comfort in. Jerry seeks out a connection but only discovers it in the worst possible way.
As Jerry describes his possessions that are located in his home, we are able to glimpse his lifestyle. Each item symbolizes the interactions that are lacking in his life and the loneliness that overtakes him and drives him out into the world. Jerry first seeks out the zoo to find a primordial connection. When it too is lacking, he searches for a final opportunity, and finds Peter. Although this is a play and written in dialogue, the only true communication between the two players come at the end. Jerry is convinced that he must force Peter react to his demand and Peter is convinced that he must protect himself from the madman he has been attempting to communicate with. Peter does not realize that Jerry has a plan until too late. This plan does not take into account Peter's thoughts or feelings, but only Jerry's need to be apart of something larger than he has had.
As Peter leaves the park alone, we realize that Jerry has finally achieved his goal. Although their interaction only lasted an afternoon, Peter's final act gives Jerry the connection he has longed for that will last a lifetime.

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