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Like Water For Chocolate
(Laura Esquivel)

Like Water for Chocolate is a marvelous novel written with a lot of symbols which the author, Laura Esquivel, has used to enrich her description and awake our imagination. Among those symbols we can start by mentioning Tita's early sobs and tears. She cried and sobbed even before being born and that could be symbolic of her sad life which was full of suffering and sorrow. They can also be seen as a forshadowing. Besides, there is a part in the novel in which mama Elena obliges Tita to castrate a chicken; she is forced to pull out the chicken's testicles and in the same way she is being forced to pull out her feelings towards Pedro and put them aside. So, in a way what her mother is doing to her is like a form of castration. In chapter two, Tita suddenly starts to see everything white afte seeing her sister's silk fabric; however, it seems to me thatthe whiteness symbolizes her not wanting to see the reality since she did not want to accept Pedro was marrying her own sister. Also, the whiteness could represent her longing for inner peace. Another symbol we can mention is the filling of the cake since ingredients are very symbolic in this novel. As they fill the cake with apricot and sugar, in the same way Nacha fills Tita's heart with comfort, tenderness and comprehension because nobody else understands what she is going through in those moments and her mother is really tough with her. In addition, asthey cover the cake with icing to make it look more appealing without showing its inside, Tita also covers her grief with a mask of happiness since she can not show any kind of sorrow; on the contrary, she has to pretend she is happy in her sister's wedding and afterwards. On the other hand, we can notice that verytime Tita feels depressed, she knits her bedspread at night while she cries. This bedspread could represent her inner grief which enlarges with the passage of time and the events that take place. In addition, her chronic chill represents the coldness of her life, a repressed life without love.

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