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Hunters Of The Dusk

SHAN, DARREN - THE DARREN SHAN SAGA 7/. HUNTERS OF THE DUSK 2002 Harper Collins. As one trilogy ends the next one begins. Darren is revelling in his new status as a vampire prince, but his peace and quiet is interrupted by the arrival of the strange Mister Des-Tiny. He has grave news. The evil Vampaneze have been looking for a chosen one figure for some generations. This chosen one will lead them to victory over other vampires, and the conquest of the human race. Mr. Destiny has reason to believe that the Chosen One has now been found. He orders Mr. Crepsley, Darren Shan, and the dwarf Harkat Mulds to find and destroy the Vampaneze messiah. In this, they are accompanied by a vampire prince, Vasha, who behaves suspiciously throughout the hunt.They visit a witch, and possible former lover for Mr. Crepsley, advises them that he has a prophesy in which they will clash with the Vampaneze chosen one three times, and that at least one of the three heroes will definitely die in the ensuing battles. The vampires briefly rejoin old friends at the vampire circus, but they are soon attacked by the Vampaneze. The leader of the attacker, known only as R V, has an assistant who's identity is hidden by a disguise. The vampires are shocked when Vasha prevents them killing the Vampaneze leader. Initially they think he is a traitor, but he explains that he could not kill him because he is his own brother. He promises the vampires that if they tangle with the vampaneze leader again, he will kill the man if necessary. He then leaves the party for some unspecified mission of his own.

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