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The Newspaper Of Our Passion
(Nicholas Sparks)

Nicholas Sparks, author of several romances, tells a beautiful history of masters that involves us and inspires. The Newspaper of Our passion relates the history of an infinite, immense, intense, unconditional love, fortified by the happinesses of vicissitudes of the life. The central personages are Noah, a southerner of the working class and Allie, a youth of good families destined it shine in the high society. Some vacation of summer approach them and mark for ever to their life. The first love, in his purity and insanity empowers-itself of the his hearts and creates raízes that lasted for ever. The detachment is inevitable, the social abyss, letters done not receive and the war separate his fate. Fourteen years pass and Noah is a survivor of the war, that however much try is not going to separate of the recollections that mantêm Allie alive in his heart. She, face the absence of news of Noah leaves this passion fall in the forgetfulness, involves itself with a young intelligent, bright lawyer and that it loves, of which stayed fiancée. The happiness and a new love come back to the life of Allie. But everything changes, when Allie sees a news about his first passion in the Newspaper. A force and a desire of meet again an old love empowers-itself of her and Allie goes to the meeting of Noah.Two souls, now floods of experiences, come back it find itself and again the love is more strong, empowers-itself of her hearts as itself more nobody existed, driving them for a magical world, an alone world her. Before a shocking and so immense love, Allie decides stayed with Noah, marry and have sons. Age joined and a day the illness arises and empowers-itself of the memories of Allie. All the mornings Noah reads for Allie, believes that the pages of that old book to traram back to the reality, neither that be for scarce moments... And the miracle happens, the super love the abyss of the memory and is reborn. The Newspaper of Our Passion is a history of love about the manifestations and forces of a passion eternal.Nicholas Sparks, author of several romances, tells a beautiful history of masters that involves us and inspires. The Newspaper of Our passion It relates the history of an infinite, immense, intense, unconditional love, fortified by the happinesses of vicissitudes of the life. The central personages are Noah, a southerner of the working class and Allie, a youth of good families destined it shine in the high society. Some vacation of summer approach them and mark for ever to their life. The first love, in his purity and insanity empowers-itself of the his hearts and creates raízes that lasted for ever. The detachment is inevitable, the social abyss, letters done not receive and the war separate his fate. Fourteen years pass and Noah is a survivor of the war, that however much try is not going to separate of the recollections that mantêm Allie alive in his heart. She, face the absence of news of Noah leaves this passion fall in the forgetfulness, involves itself with a young intelligent, bright lawyer and that it loves, of which stayed fiancée. The happiness and a new love come back to the life of Allie. But everything changes, when Allie sees a news about his first passion in the Newspaper. A force and a desire of meet again an old love empowers-itself of her and Allie goes to the meeting of Noah.Two souls, now floods of experiences, come back it find itself and again the love is more strong, empowers-itself of her hearts as itself more nobody existed, driving them for a magical world, an alone world her. Before a shocking and so immense love, Allie decides stayed with Noah, marry and have sons. Age joined and a day the illness arises and empowers-itself of the memories of Allie. All the mornings Noah reads for Allie, believes that the pages of that old book to traram back to the reality, neither that be for scarce moments... And the miracle happens, the super love the abyss of the memory and is reborn. The Newspaper of Our Passion is a history of love about the manifestations and forces of an eternal passion.

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