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The Dalek Survival Guide

ABSTRACT ? DUNN, BEN (Commissioning Editor) THE DALEK SURVIVAL GUIDE. 2002 BBC Books Worldwide. Spoof and parody work imitating the SAS and Wilderness style survival guides that show you how to diffuse bombs, fight off a bear, deliver a baby, etc. This book advises you on how to survive an attack by the greatest enemy of The Doctor from Doctor Who. The main advise amounts to running away as fast as you can. You are told that if a Dalek is still in one piece, upright and has its guns pointing in your direction, it is still a lethal killing machine. There is one unique tale here, of a lady who suffered from a Patty Hearst style Stockholm syndrome to the point where she tried to even mate with a Dalek, let alone help out in its nefarious plans to conquer the Universe. However, when she tried to go to Skaro (The Dalek home world) to rekindle the affair, she was never heard from again. The novelty of this quite witty book does wear thin after a time, due to its limited range and scope. Some of the illustrations are mere padding. There is an odd little chapter claiming that Daleks were seen on Earth at various points in history, and this is illustrated by daleks being painted into Egyptian Hieroglyphic art and even into the Bayeux Tapestry from 1066. That Daleks are now known to be able to run up a flight of stairs (as proved from the Sylvester McCoy adventure with the pepper pot monsters onwards, is carefully spelt out. There?re several references to actual Dalek stories from the series, and a nice dedication of the book to Terry Nation, the creator of the Daleks, who died shortly before publication of the file. This is an amusing little curiosity, one to read if you happen to come across it, but not really worth going out of your way for short of being a Dr Who completionist.

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