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Perfume. The Story Of A Murderer
(Patrick Suskind)

Patric Suskinds "Perfume. The Story of a Murderer? is probably the first novel in the whole literature history (or any artistic acts history), that considers the art of creating (and recognizing) perfumes. It need to be said, that the idea of art is being considered in here in its romantic way. The main character is growing into brilliant, inspired artist. He became totally involved in act of creating the masterpiece ? the perfect perfume. Somehow he is monstrous, not only because of his inhumanly ugly appearance but more because of his talent which is almost impossible to be understood by the others. His nonchalance and ignoring earthly affairs, as features of many artists, enable him to ignore any other human being or material worth. The only thing that matters for him is a perfume and all the sensations connected with one. ?Perfume. The Story of a Murderer? is being a very attractive record of creative adolescence of the brilliant artist ? from the simple journeyman to the greatest creator. The main character is walking his artistic path, not considering any costs (which, at this point, are the deaths of young, innocent women). He dares to commit the heaviest crimes, to achieve his main goal ? distillation of the perfect perfume which will be able to imitate human smell. Suskinds perverse thesis is: ?You see other human being just as you smell it?. Because of this, in the final spectacular orgy, the people gathered will be experiencing the greatest pleasures, they will not be able to hide their delight about the main character while his is still being a murderer. His execution will be turned into macabre and grotesque orgy. The artist will regain freedom, but as his goal had been achieved and publicly, positively judged, there is nothing left for him but self-destruction.

Resumos Relacionados

- The Perfume

- The Perfume

- The Perfume

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- Perfume: The Story Of A Murderer

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