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Special Operations
(W. E. B. Griffin)

Special Operations is the second novel of the Badge of Honor series. All of the main characters from the first edition (Men in Blue) are back in this book by W.E.B. Griffin. It is srongly recommended that if you haven't read Men in Blue to consider reading that book first. If you read Special Operaions without Men in Blue you can still follow the story line and characters, Griffin does a good job recapping the main points from Men in Blue throughout Special Operations without disturbing the flow of the story. The author takes the same method in starting out Special Operations as he did in Men in Blue. The novel jumps immediately into the gripping, disturbing crime spree occuring in Philadephia. A serial rapist is running rampid through a high-scale neighborhood of Philadelphia. Tensions run high between the local press and the police department. The mayor, also former Philadelphia Police Commissioner, is putting pressure on Commissioner Czenrick. The Commissioner is also feeling the pressure from negative press the department is getting from a local paper. It is up to the middle ranks of the department to stop the crime spree and return some type of security to a city in fear. Once again, Griffin examines the inner-workings of the department and shows the way politics sometimes just get in the way of hard nose police work. It's a gripping tale of the young men and women involved in law enfrorcement working against all odds to protect their community. Griffin takes you into the personal lives and describes to great detail the personal struggles of the members of the police force. The main plot of Special Operations is more gripping and in-depth than the main plot of the first novel of the series, Men in Blue. However, the attention on the police department itself is not lost in Special Operations. This novel causes one to sit back and think about the problems and crimes in today's society and the way they are reported and wonder, "Is that what really happened?" It should also be mentioned that the character development in the book is excellent. The author draws a picture of the characters in a way that causes the reader to get attached and to care about what happens next.

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