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This is a story of the girl of the Anuska interior that was to work in the great city. History counts that Mrs. Blaha, who was wife of a small employee of the way of iron of Turman, Mr. Venceslau Blaha, decided to go to take a walk in its native land, Boemia, small vilarejo in the interior, the region of Nimburgo. For it passed some days, following the humble life of very poor people there who for liveed there. Mrs. Blaha entered in a house paupérrima and decided to take one of the girls who for liveed there, Anuska, to work for it in the cares of its house. Ana was seated in the kitchen of the great house, every day, waiting tardinha, the box of music. She was looking at for the window the box of music and set to dance it mentally. Children who played in the patio of the house, without its parents if mattered with the time that they passed outside of house, asked for so that Ana counted histories for them. Ana felt homesicknesses of its land and started to cry. But it wise person which age the reason of its I do not cry. But it felt homesicknesses and it cried. Certain day the master took Ana to make purchases. He was next to the Christmas. In a store Ana she sighted the object of its memory, of its homesickness. He was a king, a peasant and a tower. In one day that Ana had she exempts, it left to take a walk for the city and knew a man. Ana started to leave and the master nor noticed its exits of house. Suddenly Ana stopped to go the window to look at the box of music and she did not walk more for the cômodos of the house and nor spoke with the children. She passed winter and summer and Anuska she had a son. In its room, lying in the bed, small child appeared it to it. When the master called to it, Ana rolled the baby in a curtain and placed it of its luggage inside. Some days later Ana she was until the city and she bought some things. She brought for house some dolls, the king, the peasant and the tower. Agora Anuska had with that to be worried. It installed the theater and it was become involved with the same. The rumor of that Ana had a theater ran the roundness and the children had come back to appear in the house of Ana.Ana said for the children who went to see its theater that it still had a bigger doll and the children insisted with it that they wanted to see this enormous doll. One day Anuska walked until its luggage and caught that one that said to be the great doll. The children had looked at for the doll and had been frightened, leaving running scared. Ana was not with less and set to walk with that bluish object in the hands.

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