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El Cuervo/the Crow
(Edgar Allan Poe)

The most well-known poem of the author. It?s publication in 1845 would offer him, after some time, considerable fame. ?The Crow? is enjoyed almost as much for it?s rhythmical beauty as for the interest resulting from the publication of ?The philosophy of the composition?; text in which Poe explains and gives detail to the moments prior to, and, which culminate in the poem. For the moment, as for either the discord or acceptance of the author?s affirmations, it is clear that it is more beneficial to enjoy each line of the work instead of hastily entering one?s opinion or making a show of one?s literary knowledge. Like the Greeks, Poe also attempted to marry the genres of the fantasic and the human tragedy. However, he felt it unnecessary to give life to gods and demi-gods to reach this goal. According to Poe, the tragedy and the fantastic had always been of the same world. One doesn?t have to go far to come close to the fantastic. A crow and a chorus/refrain would be sufficient for Poe to make this revelation. ?Never again,? are the only words repeated by the crow, a bird that arrives while those suffering the loss of a young woman grieve. It all takes place in one room. There is no need for another space. Only just a few elements are sufficient. The crow, a bust of Palas, the Man and his tragedy, give life to this poem. Poe needed nothing more. Perhaps this is what is attractive about ?The Crow.? A short work, of few elements, but which contains a desolation that produces a melancholic effect in the soul that surpasses any literary or artistic expectation. Today ?The Crow,? more than being seen as the consolidation of a literary style, or a poetic writing technique, should be contemplated as one of many illusions which, during our history, has survived the intellect and recuperated its artistic condition, a magic condition of which?we hope?it will ?never again? escape.

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