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Prayer. Finding The Heart's True Home
(Richard J Foster)

RJ Foster in this book, presents a verydeep insight into the arena of prayer. The book analyses 21 different types of prayer. This unique book is well detailed and teaches how to pray effectively. The author uses an analogy of prayer as a tree with many different branches extending out from the main trunk. He further states that prayer can be identified by three main movements; The Inward movent indicating the transformation we need. Prayer changes us more than it does God. He then speaks of the Upward movement of prayer by which we seek the intimacy we need. When we connect with God, we find our real true love. The third movement of prayer is the outward movement, which signifies seeking the ministry we need. Thus this book on prayer stands out as an indepth manual which is beneficial for every believer, whether prayer General or novice.As you read, you will be struck by the simplicity of language yet depth of meaning. HE shares his own personal experiences in the arena of prayer and this makes it worthwhile as you relate with him.The ultimate result is that it improves your prayer life as you learn what prayers to pray when. This abstract was checked by WhiteSmoke Solution. Learn more.

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