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Mars And Venus In Love
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The book "Mars and Venus In Love" is the sequel of the first book of Dr. John Gray, author of "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus".

The book "Mars and Venus in love" brings a collection of personal stories that explain how many couples managed to very successfully apply the principles of Dr. John Gray in order to create a happy life together as a couple.

In this book, we learn about the principles of Dr. Gray by stories told by both people and couples that went through his counselling and chose to share their success stories with everyone.According to Dr. Gray, the success of some couples can be a benefit to other couples that are in the same situation.

That's a real book of stories, real life stories, that will teach you about love, understanding and about different disciplines that can be used by couples in order to awaken the love between them.The book shows in several ways that "problems of love" happen to everyone and not just to you.

The key to love and its maintenance according to Gray, is within the understanding of the differences that exists between women and men.

The books of Gray are world wide best sellers. Through them he delivers a powerful message to million people all over the world. he explains how to create communication and recognition in the mental needs between men and women. It's a highly recommended book, especially to those who want to expand their knowledge in the "love" field, or just read a different kind of book.

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- Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus

- Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus

- Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus

- Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus

- Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus

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