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The Prayer Of Jabez
(Bruce Wilkinson)

The Prayer of Jabez is indeed a little book with a big message. Set in the Old Testament Chronicles of the holy Scriptures, the book is about a seemingly insignificant young man who prayed a significant prayer. The captivating book interestingly highlights the fact that Jabez does not stand out like a Moses or Joshua or even a King David or wise Solomon. His own story and name appear briefly in a roll call of the Hebrew tribes and names. What stands out is the manner in which in more than 500 names that are listed by tribe, when the writer gets to Jabez, he pauses and speaks more about this little man who prayed a big prayer. If you want to break through to the blessed life of living large for God, go ahead and go through this little book. It does not even take a day to read, but once you start, you will not be able to put it down. You will find yourself praying the same one sentence prayer for the same great results Jabez achieved. This little book is worth a standing ovation.

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