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The Drácula Legend
(Bram Stoker)

The true vampires are portraied in very different way it Drácula de Stoker. according to superstitions of some européias and Asian cultures, the folclórico vampire is only one of the demonic creatures of the dead-livings creature. This sugadora creature of blood generally is portraied as the lost soul of a suicidal criminal or. These lost souls leave its tombs to the night to feed themselves generally of human livings creature changedding themselves into bats during the process and returning its coffins or hollows before clarear of the day. Its coffins generally contain a little of land of the place where the vampire lived. The victims who had also been sucked transform into vampires after morte.A popular version of the vampiresco folklore were created by the superstition of the Slavic peoples. In accordance with this belief vampires does not make shade or consequence. They can be moved away with garlic, blessed water or images Da Cruz. These protections are useless however if the vampire, in its form human being, ingenuamente will be invited to visit the house of somebody. A vampire can be died cravando a prop in its heart or coming to ruin its hiding place diurno.A popularity and the success of the Drácula de Bram Stoker transformed the villain of the romance into estereótipo of the vampire losing its gótico personage of terror. This can be observed in the number of comedy films on vampires of years 80 and the apparent absence of films on these creatures in the years 90.As descriptions of vampires in different superstitions of regions of Asia and the Europe indicates that it can have some relation next with an illness to the blood that possibly predominated at the time medieval. This sanguine illness provokes a fall in the amount of blood of the person, causing psychological disequilibria. These psychoses, combined with the sanguine desfunção can make some victims to act as vampires, feeding themselves of the blood of other animals to compensate its proper deficiencies of blood. However, before any conclusive connection we must study the physiology more deeply human being and stories of illnesses of the medieval time... vlad III Empalador 1431 1476, also known as Vlad III Drácula Vlad?epe? in Rumanian was voivoda principe of the Valáquia in 1448, of 1456 the 1462 and em1476.Como voivoda Vlad III led one independent politics in relation to Ottoman Imperio e, in the Romênia, is remembered as a Christian knight who fought against the ialâmico exspansionism in the Europe In Turk, Vlad III is known as Kaz?kl? boy, or Empalador Prince, being a popular hero in romêniae in the republic of the still hoje.Fora Moldávia of the Romênia voivoda is known by stories that exaggerate its atrocities against its enemies, being that many of the acts that are attributed to it they are of veracity doubtful. Some support that its personality would have inspired the Drácula personage, the vampire most famous of the world, created for Bram to stoker. Its father was Vlad II, prince of the Valáquia, also known as Vlad Dracul for being a member of the Order of the dragon.

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