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Fatal Attraction
(bimbo odukoya)

Vincent met Temi in Paris while on a two-year course. They were both Nigerians but, more than that, Vincent felt it was destiny when he discovered that they were also from the same tribe. A relationship developed quickly and it didn?t take long before they got married.
A few weeks into the marriage Vincent started to notice strange objects in the house; Pieces of carves statue, cowry shells, strong-smelling liquids in tiny bottles, under the pillow, under the bed, in the kitchen and in other parts of the house. He couldn?t explain any of these, and his wife blew up and gave him unsatisfactory explanations whenever he asked. It was soon clear to Vincent that he married a woman from a fetishist family, each time Temi?s parent visited they went around the apartment blowing foul-smelling powder into the air and speaking in strange tongues.
Vincent sometimes woke in the middle of the night after having had strange dreams. Vincent?s life began to retrogress. He lost his job and failed. So many times in his course that he was advised to quit, he became hysterical and morose and would sometimes be so out of touch with his surroundings that friends and neighbors avoided him. It became so bad that his family had to intervene, he divorced Kemi, butt the strange dreams did not stop, in one of such nightmare he saw his only car sinking in a river and his ex-wife standing by, laughing. In another one he saw himself, driving to his in-laws house with his ex-wife when the car overturned. In the dream that devastated his life he saw himself in a locked room with invisible creatures slapping him and beating him up. In the dreams he was frantically trying to escape from the room, but no avail. What he didn?t realize, however, was that while struggling to open the window of his third storey bedroom, as he opened the window in his dream and jumped out to escape, he also opened his own window and jumped. He fell down three flours, he did not break his spinal cord, but broke three of his ribs and was left partially deaf , Vincent has recovered now, but still cant hear very well and has became a shadow of himself. He was becoming very lazy and detests work, even though something inside him wants to be more useful. He cant seem to get out of this state of stupor and he?s convinced that his former wife is somehow connected with the way he feels.
Vincent did not take time to get to know his wife well enough before marriage, he allowed the flimsy coincidence of what he perceive to be their shared background to cloud his sense of reason. It is not advisable to marry somebody whose family you do not know, you have to spend time with your intended family to enable you to discover what they believe and how they live. Marrying somebody on short notice is like walking into a dark tunnel without a flashlight

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