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Resumo de Os Maias

In the final
of century XIX a normal and wealthy family sees your only son to marry itself to a prostitute of her name is Maria Monforte.
As any prostitute, the marriage and both his resultant sons did not do her stop
and finishes for runing away from with a man, carrying with herself the
daughter and letting with the husband, Pedro, the son.

Pedro, feeling
alone, he takes refuge in the father and trusts son''s education, Carlos,
committing suicide of followed. Carlos grows healthy next to his grandfather in
body and intellect and finish for going live to Lisbon. In Lisbon Carlos it
falls in love extremely for a woman of weak moral formation and already with a
bastard daughter, for later come to discover that her is your sister.

Realizing that your romance could not continue they
separate and live a life embittered for ever.

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