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The Fame Motive

Money and power are handy, but millions of ambitious people are after something other than the corner office or the beach house on St. Bart?s. They want to swivel necks, to light a flare in others? eyes, to walk into a crowded room and feel the conversation stop. They are busy networking, auditioning, talking up their latest project ? a screenplay, a memoir, a new reality show ? to satisfy a desire so obvious it is all but invisible.

?To be noticed, to be wanted, to be loved, to walk into a place and have others care about what you?re doing, even what you had for lunch that day: that?s what people want, in my opinion,? said Kaysar Ridha, 26, of Irvine, Calif., a recent favorite of fans of the popular CBS reality series ?Big Brother.? ?It?s strange and twisted, because when that attention does come, the irony is you want more privacy.?

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