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The Heart Of A Boy
(Edmondo de Amicis)

The heart of a boy longs to be the heart of a man. Too many times his quest for recogniton leaves him at a loss.
Why can't I be like that? I will be a man some day! I will loose this identity of a boy and become something to recon with. I will love all the ladies and they will love me. The heart of a boy is innocent. He doesn't want to believe that he is limited in what he can do. He sees him self as a man when he knows he is not. What is there to do in this image of a boy? I can climb the highest mountain, swim the largest river, climb the tallest tree. Will that make me a man? Only when he sees himself as a boy will he recognize the man he will become some day. Fortunatley, the heart of a boy is not as timid as one might believe. Bravery is his motivation. He is like a changling with limited directions to choose from. The heart of a boy sounds like the music to a melody of a song. His song tells the world I am some body! But, I'm not yet a man..The heart of a boy knows that he can only do the thing that boys do. A man can have the heart of a boy. Can a boy have the heart of a man? A man will always have the heart of a boy in his mother's eyes..In his father's eyes he is a man from birth. Is this too real for him? As a man, will he long to have the heart of a boy? I believe all men long to have the heart of a boy! Mothers everywhere wish that too..

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