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The Biblical Creation Story

The Biblical creation story begins, as all things must, with a cause, in this case with a being that is called God.

In a period represented by six days, God creates all things with simply a spoken word. While darkness covered the earth, God said, Let There Be Light, and we are told, there was light. He then separates one from the other, calling the light day, and the darkness, night. The day is now divided into two parts, evening and morning. The first day is over and God moves into the second making a firmament, parting the waters above it from the waters below it. He calls the firmament heaven, and so ends the second day. God now parts the dry land, which he calls earth, from the waters, which he calls seas. Plants, trees , grass and all forms of vegetation grow at his word. On the fourth day, God turns his attention to the heaven setting the sun and the moon in their places, the sun, being the greater light, to rule the day, and the moon, the lesser light to rule the night. We are told that he made the stars also, though no definite purpose is given. On the fifth day more new life appears, there are now fish swimming in the sea and birds flying in the air. The following day, the sixth, all animals come into being, including man, whom God makes in his own image and likeness, and to whom he gives dominion over all things.

One interesting aspect of this six day creation story is that at the end of each day, God looks at all that he has made, and declares it to be good. Another is that the creation of man, and the animals - and probably the vegetation as well, is spiritual, not material, made in mind but not in matter.

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- Genesis

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