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O Barroco No Brasil
(Álvaro Nonato)

The baroque one in Brazil had fort influences of the Baroque European, more exactly thus had its ?proper Brazilian version? of the tropicalização of the Baroque art. The main characteristics of this art if must to the fact of its strong dual mark, in virtue of the Carpe Diem and its abscuridade. In Brazil if it includes plus a strong caracterítica, that is the presence of slangs, diverse, African terms, índigenas local expressions and until palavrões. One of the main representatives of the Baroque one while poem was Gregorio de Matos, through Satirical literature, Lyric Lover, Religiosa and Filosófica.Conhecido also as ?mouth of the hell?, in virtue of the critical exposition of its points in relation to the strong defects of the society, and the hatching irreverent form the values and the false moral of the society of its time. In the painting also we have huge representatives, mainly in Minas Gerais, that was was where it had greater propagation of the Baroque one, in factor to the economic growth. That valley to resaltar, with Aleijadinho in the sculptures and Ataíde in paintings. At last baroque art had influences it baroque européia in full century XVIII, more it marked a new dynamics total, and original through the Brazilian artists, who had given one ?jeitinho abrasileirado? to the baroque European against-reformist. The baroque one in Brazil had fort influences of the Baroque European, more exactly thus had its ?proper Brazilian version? of the tropicalização of the Baroque art. The main characteristics of this art if must to the fact of its strong dual mark, in virtue of the Carpe Diem and its abscuridade. In Brazil if it includes plus a strong caracterítica, that is the presence of slangs, diverse, African terms, índigenas local expressions and until palavrões. One of the main representatives of the Baroque one while poem was Gregorio de Matos, through Satirical literature, Lyric Lover, Religiosa and Filosófica.Conhecido also as ?mouth of the hell?, in virtue of the critical exposition of its points in relation to the strong defects of the society, and the hatching irreverent form the values and the false moral of the society of its time. In the painting also we have huge representatives, mainly in Minas Gerais, that was was where it had greater propagation of the Baroque one, in factor to the economic growth. That valley to resaltar, with Aleijadinho in the sculptures and Ataíde in paintings. At last baroque art had influences it baroque européia in full century XVIII, more it marked a new dynamics total, and original through the Brazilian artists, who had given one ?jeitinho abrasileirado? to the baroque European against-reformist.

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