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O Guarani
(José de Alencar)

The first part, makes a description of the place where if it found the house of D. Antônio de Mariz, situated to the edges of the river Paquequer in the interior of the State of the River Far of the civilization, in this similar hidding place to a feudal castle of the Average Age, it lived the loyal noble with its woman, D. Lauriana; its son, D. Diogo; its children Cecília and Isabel, natural son - had as niece. With uncurling of the narrative, new personages are introduced: Alvaro de Sá and Loredano who enter in action already demonstrating a rivalry that always will follow them. He is here that he appears the Peri indian to the returns with the capture of a ounce. The first one has broken the tram says of Loredano, frade renegado that it intends to assassinate D. Antônio de Mariz and to take Cecília I obtain, therefore devoted for it violent passion. For this, it brides two friends: Rui Soeiro and Bento Simões that if leave to lead for the promise of easy wealth. On the other hand, the apprehension of D. Antônio de Mariz is also distinguished who foresees an attack of the indians: its son, D. Diogo, accidentally, kill an indian and the noble fears the revenge. The narrative is gone concentrating around Peri, the protagonist of history, and its protege, Cecília. Peri is titulo of the second part. Here, through a flash back, the author comes back to the year of 1603 to explain the origin of Loredano: di Luca was frei Ângelo that, in confession, got the script of the mines of silver of Robério Days. It abandons of form has excused the batina and architect a plan to be with the wealth and the beautiful son of D. Antônio in whose house if it houses as adventurer. It is also through this flash back that we are knowing the origin of Peri: the family of the Portuguese noble took a walk calmly and Cecília ran for the fields, when it rolls an immense rock and it is you give to jam the girl. It is here that Peri appears: in an attitude hercúlea, esbarra the rock and saved Cecília of certain death. To break daqui, its contact with the family will be constant, always as angel of the guard of Cecília for who devoted true worship, therefore the indian confused it with Ours Lady. Not obstante, the son of D. Antônio it disdains and magoa. She is here that the Ceci nickname appears. But soon the girl perceives the sublime side of the action of the indian and history is gone concentrating, each time more, in the envolvement of the two. Retaking the historia, Loredano tram against the life of Alvaro who was its competitor in the dispute of Cecília, but Peri the salute of certain death, when the villain went to kill it traitorously. On the other hand, feeling that Isabel loved Alvaro, Cecília, in a noble and huge gesture, provokes the meeting of the two, after presentear the sister with the bracelet that Alvaro gives to it. After as many exploits, Peri is in the imminence of being ordered even so: D. Lauriana, that did not like it indian and finding that it put the life of all in danger, demanded that D. Antônio fired it. Here all the anonymous heroísmo of the indian if discloses and it would continue sanctioned for the Portuguese noble. Intitled the Aimorés, the third part if concentrates in the treachery of Loredano that starts to execute its devilish plan. But Peri, intent to all the maneuvers of the formerones, kills the Rui Soeiro and Bento Simões and the fall of Loredano is imminent. Here the common enemy appears: the Aimorés. Moved for the revenge, the indians surround the house of the Portuguese noble who does not have forces enough to reject them. Again it is Peri that comes to save them, delivering itself as prisoner to aimorés, after to poison its body. Its plain age to poison all the indians, therefore fatally they would eat its meat, and to save Cecília with the sacrifice of its life. In the fourth part, intitled the Catastrophe, Alvaro enter in scene and, in a gesture of bravery and courage, saved Peri at the accurate moment whereit went to die. On the other hand, Loredano is condemned to the fogueira and Alvaro, when leaving with a caravan in search of victuals, is died for the indians. One more time, who is Peri appears and arrebata the body of the hands of the anthropophagous indians and takes it, already deceased, to the house of D. Antônio. Isabel, that it would not know to live without it, ingests poison and also dies to meet with the loving one in the other life. Ahead of new onslaught of aimorés and seeing itself lost, D. Antônio charges Peri to save its son, taking it for house of its sister in Rio De Janeiro. Before, it has the ceremony of baptism and Peri if it becomes Christ, receiving the name from Antonio. Asleep, Peri loads Cecília, in a canoe, for the river below, when the house of the noble blows up: it was D. Antônio who blew up paiol of powder destroying its and also the indians. While this, the canoe goes descends, slowly, the river Paraíba.

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