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O Primo Basílio
(Eça de Queirós)

In Basílio Cousin, the target of the critical one is the bourgeoisie. The author attacks the family lisboeta, ackward meeting of egoism. In this domestic picture, Eça congregates personages mediocre who represent the some faces of the society. The pparently perfect couple, Luísa and Jorge. The house servant who hates them and envies, Juliana. The very devout woman owner Happiness. The Acácio Council member, one high public officer. Julião, a doctor disillusioned with its craft. Ernestinho, a writer of dramalhões. E the villain of all history, Basílio, the cousin-lover-conqueror of Luísa. The romance portraies a life in family. The small-bourgeois family of Lisbon criticizes. Luísa, educated under influence of moral and religious principles not so severe, is romantic, fútil and frivolous. It always has an idle life. It is married Jorge, good, intelligent, likeable man. Jorge and Luísa live have three years, in a street frequented for poor people and that they like malicious gossips. It is engineer and works in a Ministry. Luísa likes romances, dreams and sees the life to pass. The couple desires a son who does not come. Jorge is called the work and goes, for a time, for Alentejo. In the first absence of the husband, influenced for its readings and dissatisfied with the solitude, Luísa receives the visit from its Basílio cousin. They meet and it trai the husband, seduced for Basílio, old boyfriend who had fond the Lisbon, after a time is. Basílio desires it for an adventure that diminishes its tédio in the small city. It is the businesses there. Luísa yields to the charm, the old passion and the temptations of Basílio. Revive the romances read with ardor, committing adultery. Its Juliana servant, however, takes possetion itself of some letters changed for the loving ones. Basílio comes back Paris and at the mercy of leaves Luísa of the requirements of Juliana. Jorge returns. Luísa is changedded into servant, the control of Juliana. Threatened, it prayer, plays in the lottery, tries to deliver itself to a banker to obtain money. A friend of the family, Sebastião, obtains in return the correspondence and tries to help Luísa. Jorge perceives strange attitudes in Juliana and he orders it even so. The servant dies soon later, bubbling of anger, victim of a nervous collapse. Luísa also adoece because of a letter of Basílio for it. Jorge reads and all the infidelity of Luísa is discovered. Fatally, Luísa dies. Jorge martiriza therefore desires to kill and to pardon the woman. History finishes with the death of Luísa and two great ironies: the celebration of its virtues for the Council member, exactly it, puritano, false, hypocritical and the return of Basílio, lamenting the death of the cousin and the absence of the loving Alphonsine Frenchman.

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- Cousin Basílio

- O Primo Basílio

- O Primo BasÍlio

- O Primo Basílio

- Primo Basílio

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