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Health Status Of Tribal Women In India
(S.K. Basu)

Health Status of
Tribal Women in IndiaS.K. Basu

The paper discusses the health status of the
tribal women in relation to sex ratio, age at marriage, fertility, mortality,
life expectancy, nutritional status, maternal and child health care practices,
sexually transmitted diseases, genetic disorders, etc. the health status of
tribal women is found to be lower than that of the Indian women in general on
most of these aspects. Gaps in knowledge regarding the health of tribal women have
been identified and a plan of action has been suggested for improving their
health.Preambie:The tribal population groups from 7.95 percent of the total population of India. About
67.76 million persons have been enumerated in the country (excluding Jammu
& Kashmir) as members of the Scheduled Tribes (1991 census). These tribal groups inhabit
widely varying ecological and geo-climatic conditions (hilly, forest, tarai,
desert, coastal regions etc.) in different concentrations throughout the
country and are distinct biological isolates with characteristic cultural and
socio-economic background. Tribal groups are homogeneous, culturally firm, have
developed strong magico-religious health care system and they wish to survive
and live in their own style. There have been a number of studies on the tribes,
their culture and the impact of acculturation on the tribal society. There have
also been studies on the status of women relating to their socio- cultural
problems, their economic rights, their participation in management, their
access to employment, food, health, etc. But these issues have not been
properly focussed in relation to the tribal women. There are only a few studies
on the status of tribal women in India (K. Mann, 1987; J.P. Singh, N.N. Vyas and R.S. Mann, 1988; A. Chauhan, 1990). Thus the study of tribal
women cannot be ignored. It becomes important because the problems of tribal
women differ from a particular area to another area owing to their geographical
location, historical background and the
processes of social change (A. Chauhan, 1990). For this, there .s a
need for proper understanding of their problems specific to time and place so
that relevant development programmes can he made and implemented. There is a
greater need for undertaking a region-specific study of the status and role of
tribal women which alone can throw up data that will make planning for their
welfare more meaningful and effective (K.S.Singh. 1988) The status of women in a
society is a significant reflection of the level of social is asignificant
reflection of the level of social justice in that society. Women's status is
often described in terms of their level of income, employment, education,
health and fertility as well as the roles they play within the family, the
community and society (Ghosh, 1987). A tribal woman occupies an
important place in the socio-economic structure of her society. The Dhebar
Commission Report (1961) mentions that the tribal women is not drudge or a
beast of burden, she is found to be exercising a relatively free and firm hand
in all aspects related to her social life unlike in non-tribal societies. The
tribal women in general and in comparison with casts, enjoy more freedom in
various walks of life.

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