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30/01/2007APARTHEIDSeparation was like the meddetrain sea, wicked and wild.The racial policy was only a facial uplift.We are only human in flesh and in blood, what we fail to realize that be it black, white, green or blue we have the same color blood flowing through our veins.Racial signs were derogative only from the hearts and minds of disturbed and unkindpeople. The color white was superior and bright,the color black was mild and dull.The wheels have turned black is bold and white is cold.Poverty caused pain, grief, tomerent and controversy,1948 to 1976 brought a great loss of years to our fellow brothers and sisters who were disadvantaged black South Africans, now an advantage to those innocent victims of an unfair nation. It is our innocent children that will lead our beautiful country into a bright and glamorous future.Blood, sweat and tears caused great fears; let?s live in love, passion and harmony to build a great nation.VIVA ((99(SOUTH AFRICAKUBASHNIE MOODLEY

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