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Speech Of The Method Of René Discardings
(René Descartes)

Published originally in 1637 the Speech of the Method of René Descartes is one of but famous workmanships of philosophical literature, being for many considered the text base of the cultural rupture that of the origin the Moderna.O Philosophy text is composed of six parts where the author, leaving of a story of its intellectual biography, display in clear way and sucinta the great traces of its new system filosófico.Descartes starts its text presenting the great parameters of its cultural formation. Pupil of one of the most sanctioned européias schools, the School of the Jesuits in La Flèche, can receive what of better he had to offer the culture of its time. He studied Logic that considered an interesting instrument a time that is of ownership of the truth, but that in nothing it assisted to get the truth; it studied Theology, knows important without a doubt, however dispensable, therefore since that let us have faith in God, our salvation will be assured; it studied Philosophy and, on this, it arrived at a sad conclusion: the history of the philosophy in showed them of that nothing of nonsense did not exist so that already had not been affirmed some time for some philosopher. In all you discipline them that it studies, the exception of the mathematics, whose applicability the concrete problems will only be given to leave and because of Discardings, evidences it who the culture in general does not offer none to know that it is exempt of doubts and useful for life. It fits therefore, to conclude Discardings to remodel the knowledge and to base it from new and solid bases. Such is the task that will be delineated in the Speech of the Method and searched by all the life of Descartes.Para to get this result, Discarding elaborates a method that consists of four rules: 1) not to accept nothing that is not evident and to prevent the prevention and the precipitation; 2) Dividir a problem in as many parts how many they will be possible and necessary, the call rule of the analysis; 3) Conduzir the thought for order, leaving of objects simplest for most complex, the call rule of the synthesis; 4) Efetuar so complete enumerations in order to have certainty of no element to have been esquecido.Aplicando this method to cultural objects, which of them can be said so evidentes that they cannot be placed in doubt? All the data of the directions can in deceiving them; in the same way all the objects of the reason equally it can.... nothing exist that it is given to the man that I cannot be rank in doubt; however, if everything we can doubt, we cannot doubt the fact to be doubting. Or either, in all the doubt is present the certainty of the citizen that it doubts; however it evidences Discardings, if I doubt for the e, if I think soon I exist. The knowledge will not have therefore to be constructed from external certezas, always falíveis, but yes of the only doubtless certainty, the certainty of the Cogito.Certo, we will be able to argue against Discardings, but and from there? How to leave the certainty of the solipsismo for the certainty of objects of the world? Analyzing what in it gives them this initial certainty We can evidence that we are a substance whose essence consists of the thought, what it means that that does not exist a necessary union between the body and the spirit, since is possible to doubt that has a body, but not a pensante reason. This pensante reason, in the measure where it doubts if discovers as imperfect. However, in it says Discardings to them, of where comes this idea of perfection? It cannot come of objects of the world in the measure where we do not find it there; it cannot have been created for us, therefore we are imperfect e, however, we have it. How question Discardings? It only can be an innate idea, printed in us for that in them God created -. Of the existence of God, creative being endowed with all the perfections, is not possible that in always let us deceive them, therefore the perfect being would have created something there absolutely imperfect. Soon, the only thing that in hinders them to know the truth is not to proceed from form metódica.No Speech of the Method, Discardings has left of the initial certainty of the pensante citizen, in discovers God as innate idea, you give it concludes the impossibility of the absolute error and considers as overcoming form the adoption of the metodológicas rules We not more have thus knowing now established in the subjectivity human being and in the being. When it will be possible to this subjectivity, and this is the process of the evolution of modern science, on the basis of metodológicas rules to only constitute the truth, god will become unnecessary when knowing, being collected to recondite of the subjectivity humana.Descartes opens thus the way for the desencantamento of the world.

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