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Path Of Deception
(Mickey Josephson)

Authors Note: I healed the woman.
continued from Chapter 3

?Bellman, where?s Bellman??
?He couldn?t make it,? Vince Kraemer said to Johnny, sitting in his attorney?s conference room.
?Who drew up this contract??
?I did.?
He glanced at Kraemer, then down at the crossed off sentences and ink corrections. He looked up again, ?It looks like a chicken wrote this? ? he glanced at his attorney. (Kraemer gets this, Kraemer gets that, the contract read.)
?What about your Ishmalian partner??
?He does what I say.?
?Come with me, Johnny,? his lawyer said, pointing to a private office.
The door closed behind them.
?Do you know who these guys are??
?Do you really know??
?They have money; they?re buying into the
?I don?t care as long as they put up the money.?
The lawyer bowed his head and leaned against the wall. ?Why didn?t you bring Alex into this deal??
?He?ll help you ? you knew he would.?
?I don?t need Alex,? ? he walked to the window.
?Listen, I have to go,? Kraemer said, opening the door. ?I have other business to attend to.?
He slowly turned around, ? the contract lay on the table and his lawyer was gone.
?It's all right, Johnny. Here?s $50,000, and you get the other 50 when the deal checks out,? he said, holding up the checks.
He looked into the open doorway.
?What?s the matter, Johnny??
He stared at the contract, picked it up, and gaped at Kraemer.
?I have to go, Johnny.?

Kraemer left, rushed to a pay phone ? clutching
the contract, and dialed.

The Ishmalian smiled and put the phone down.
?Get your things packed,? he said to his construction crew. ?We?re going to build another day care center.?
They did exactly what he said ? they always saw his pockets bulge after the big, black sedans drove off every morning.

Authors note: You think I'm God?

No. I'm a Scientologist.


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- Path Of Deception

- Path Of Deception

- Path Of Deception

- Path Of Deception

- Path Of Deception

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