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Punish The Abusers
(Madhu Ahuja)

Emotional, Mental and Physical abuse by teachers should have strict punishments.
In India, teacher is not as a teacher they have a place as father that?s why we called him guru. They have an all the rights taught me and give me a right way to handle the stituatuin coming in our life.
I remember when I am a student of a government college, for not doing my homework, not participating in the class actively and for yawning in the classroom, they would be beat me by the stick on my knuckles, and hand. Some time orally they torture me a lot. I learnt to take all these abuses with a pinch of salt. However, years later, I have realized the repercussion of those beatings. Actually, the teacher of my school want to give best of our knowledge and they want to obey the rules by me.
However, know a days I realize that what I am (be it well mannered, truthful, respectful or rebels) because of our great guidance that happened in the past. It is because some teachers beater abused me badly in the past, my self-esteem, self-respect, confidence and courage to face the world. I remained fearful, quiet, non-reasoning, reserved and detached to all.
Know days after spending lot of time with out teacher I think is this reason why I chose to join school and college? I don't think so.
During my school and college days, I did not know how to react back to the teachers after they'd abuse me. I remained silent. Later, as I grew older I got support from my friends, relatives and family. They taught me how to tackle people when they abuse you.
I appeal to the education board/ministry to take strict action against school and college faculty members who abuse their students. For there own reasons.
Because in these days the teachers a beat /abuse the student for their own profit (private tuition etc).

In addition, I want to encourage students to not be silent of abuses they get or witness. Report such cases to the Principal, family members and friends who can take action against the injustice done to them. because the teaching is in India is know becaming a business. if teacher does not respet the guru word . why should u give him respect . Noting is wrong in report.

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