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The Health Secrets From The Hunzas
(Christian H. Godefroy)

Historical Sum. If you apply your secrets, this book will help you finding, or preserving and lasting, what is, with no doubt, our most precious good: the youth and thus, life. In fact, the promises of this book look really extraordinary, but it depends on the will and energy of the person doing them. The secrets that this book holds were extracted from the wisdom of a people which reputation has spread around the world. The real name of this remarkable people isn't known by many. The only thing that we know is that they live in the far mountains and that it's members have an extraordinary lifetime. It's said that in this people the antients live easily till the 130 years. There have been related some cases, in an acceptable number, of old timers that reached the amazing age of 145 years. Thi people isn't like a legend or utopia. They are the so called Hunzas and they live in the place known as the ceiling of the world, meaning, the high mountains of the Himalaias. Their country has only 30 thousand habitants, and its located in the north part of India, where the lands of Caxemira, India and Afhganistan colide. It's said that this little people lives in a valley, 3 thousand meters high and isolated from the rest of the world - it's the happiest people on earth. From unknown origin. A legend if told about three greek soldiers that deserted the army of Alexander the Great and founded this people with their persian wives. There they live totally isolated, using to advantade the unique geographical design of the place to keep away from any invasion.The Hunzas live essentially from agriculture and the animals. They don't do artwork nor trade items. To say the truth, they dont even have a currency. After doing some looting during a lot of time, the Hunzas became since 150 years ago peacefull. Their society is trully uncommon, in such a way that within their people there are no prisions nor bancs. It was Mac Carrisson, skillfull scottish medic, that revealed to the west the existence of this misterious people. Adventurer by nature, he didn't fear to carry through, between the two wars, a risky trip which leaded him to the high mountains of the Himalaias, where he stayed during seven years within the Hunzas.

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