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It Finishes It Great Lesson
(Mitch Albom)

The book if deals with a lecturer (Morrie) and its pupil (Mitch), that after years of the conclusion of its university course to meet its lecturer, who was an example for it at the time, but discovers that it this very sick with an illness incuravel called  ALS (Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis), to leave you give Mitch that had if moved away from its lecturer it starts if to approach more and with this it has you vary sessions of colloquies in the house of Morrie all to tuesday. They speak on the direction of the life that takes the reader to a reflection on the friendship, life, love, hope, pardon, fear and over all of the death. It is a full real history of understanding, love and affection, I recommend this book to all, therefore of it, if she takes off a great lesson to lead for all life.

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