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Slaughterhouse 5
(Kurt Vonnegut)

Slaughterhouse 5 is considered Kurt Vonnegut?s masterpiece. Published in 1969, the main theme of the book is Vonnegut?s own experience as a war prisoner during the destruction of Dresden, Germany, in 1945. He recalls his last days in the Second World War as one of the only seven survivors of the bombing of this civilian city in rich and enlightening details. The story of Slaughterhouse 5 is told through the story of Billy Pilgrim, a young suburban American who finds himself traveling unwillingly through time, visiting various parts of his life, from his birth until his death. You are able to accompany Billy?s tragic, happy, sad, sarcastic, funny and ironic life story from beginning to end, end to beginning, up to down and diagonally, since there is no chronological timeline throughout the book. This makes for a very interesting and dynamic read, forcing you to actually participate in the plot, following Billy while he leaps from one event to another. The most recurring episodes are the ones concerning Billy?s experience in the bombing of Dresden? semi-autobiography of Vonnegut?s experience, - and his abduction by aliens from a planet called Tralfamadore. Vonnegut uses these aliens to explain his ?or Billy Pilgrim?s, - views on life, death and time travel. He strains that every single moment of our lives has already happened, is currently happening and will always happen. Another interesting view shown in Slaughterhouse 5 is the one where Billy is able to see different episodes backwards, which is one of the most powerful sections of the book. It shows what the world would be like if we started living backwards. The entire book is full of metaphors and situations that are, at the same time, funny, emotional and touching, making every chapter worth re-reading innumerous times. Slaughterhouse 5 was not only considered a great anti-war novel, but also a life-changing book that can touch different people in different ways. It is one of those books where each person will pick up their own lesson and every time it is read again, that person will learn new things. Vonnegut deserves all the merit he has gotten in the past, gets currently and will always get for this amazing novel. And so it goes.

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