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Daisy Miller
(Henry James)

Daisy Miller is a young american, cool, ingenuous, free, a bomb in the spicy and stiff european society of the early twentieth century. How cane one not succumb like Winterburne to the crazy charm of this woman who escapes the rigid social conventions of that time? This woman is a big bowl of fresh air in the polluted atmosphere of the old Europe. Henry James is always moderate and thoroughbred, and Daisy Miller is even more attractive with the power that she has to dynamite this stiff society and its conventions. The writing of James, all in reserve, in harmony with the described universe, stresses the freshness of Daisy by the play of the opposites. She escapes Winterbourne and his words, all this society too, to which she is a live critic. This is a frail romantic heroine prisonner of a classic world.

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- Daisy Miller

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