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Feeding - the Code of Colors

Feeding - the Code of Colors The feeding human being comes changing as the necessities of each moment. Of some time for here, beyond the price, and of the easiness of attainment, it hasa food election being directed for the promotion, and maintenance of the health. In the history of the humanity the number of individuals with overweight and belowof the weight is for the first time practically the same, 2,1billion (UCLA).The man in its evolution chain has times was if moving away from the food inits natural form. It together has a world-wide epidemic of obesidade to an explosion of illnessesrelated, including diabetes, metabolic syndrome, ósseos, cardiovascular,pulmonary problems and until some forms of cancer. The obesidade and the overweightare responsible to a large extent for the costs and cares with the health, beyond contributing for the growth of the numbers of mortality in the world. A diet is not only enough. The benefit of a set of action throughout the timebecomes necessary, to diminish the risk of the occurrence of these illnesses. According to nutrition center human being of UCLA, the daily ingestion, between400 and 600 gof fruits and vegetables is associated with the reduction of the incidence ofsome forms of cancer. Such foods contain fitoquímicos that can regulate the expression of gen, inhibiting theformation of carcinogênicas cells. The color of the fitoquímicos provides easiness in guiding the population on asthe colors of foods can direct the ingestion of the fruits and vegetables.Red foods contain licopeno an antirust substance, joined in the tomatoes (better absorption and warm amount if),goiaba, etc, and are involved in the health of the prostate, pulmões and heart.The yellow and green vegetables, asthe folhosos maize and greens contain Luteína and “Zeaxanthin”, being relatedto the health of the retina (degeneration to stain occurs with the age), of theheart and the imunológico system. Red and purple foods containantocianinas and reverastrol, powerful antirust substances, found in apples,grapes, “berries” and wine tinto, they protect the DNA, and the health of the heart. The color orange as carrot, sleeve, pumpkin, damson plum, contains beta carotene,and helps the imunológico system. The yellow ones as oranges, tangerinas and limões contain citric flavonoides, that also protect the heartand the imunológico system. Green foods (the brassicas) including broccolis, borecole of Brussels, watercress, turnip, rúcula, cabbage, and others contain glicosinolatos,protect the cardiovascular and imunológico system. White vegetables as of the family ofthe onion, garlic, mushrooms, contain organo-sulfuricos composites, alicina,quercitina, adenosineand other fitoquímicos, protecting the cardiovascular system, diminishing the arterial pressure. In the world all, Studies on alimentary habits, indicate that the low risk ofchronic illnesses, including some forms of cancer, is tied with the consumptionof fruits, vegetables, integral foods, proteins as of the soy, and frequently littlefat and much fiber. Adults and children, would have to ingest at least a food of each group, daily.The code of colors is a simplification of the nutricionais recommendations, andexactly for being of easy agreement, it assists many people to find foodshealth ful when they travel or they frequent restaurants. In house, to prepare foodsof simple and fast form influences the feeding standard, therefore it preventsthe loss of the nutrients, in its preparation.Synthesis on the basis of the article “Applying science to move of thefeeding.” For: Marly P. Welter.alice martins

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