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Isabel Of The Whales
(Hester Velmans)

Isabel of the Whales is a book that has adventure and in a way brings attention to whales becoming exstint. Isabel has always loved whales and she doesn't know why. So when her school plans a field trip to go on a Whale watch I sabel is excited. But what they see is something that hasn't happened before in history instead of seeing just the usual whales they see every kind of whale in a circle around the boat and then the whales start slaping the water with their tales and they make waves that rock the boat. One whale came near the side of the boat and Isabel went to the side of the boat and looked into the whales eye. The teacher told her not to go over to the side, but it was too late and Isabel ended up in the water and all the whales stop splashing and the boat got futher and futher away until it was out of sight. Then the whale that had come to the side of the boat was next to her and Isabel can understand what the whale is saying. Isabel learns that she can turn into a whale and has to live with a pod of humpback whales and live their life. She also has to teach them human ways, Isabel ends up learning a lot from the whales and the whales learn a lot from her too. This book is for the 10 to 13 age and is a very good book that lets the reader know how we affect the whales in this great, fiction book. I recomend it to anyone who loves fiction and loves the ocan wildlife, and anyone who wants to know what its like to be a whale. This book is one of my favorites and if you haven't read it you should.

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